A fun and easy diy!
For a dreamcatcher or walhanging. Time : 10 minutes!
This is a simple version without much detail. You can also make beautiful versions with different colored yarns, use sticks and thread inside the hoop, SO many ways to make it fit in to your home. Perfect project to use up all your left over yarn .
You need:
One ball Chunky thick wool
Embroidery hoop
(Thread for hanging, or a nail)
1.Get all your stuff together. Paint the hoop white or keep in in trendy wood color.
2. Cut off threads, 50 cm long (about 25 cm long when folded and tied on hoop), 10 threads in one bundle, and tie the yarn on the hoop.
3. Tie on as mutch as you want.Here 8 pieces.
4. Use the scissor to even out the edges. Put a nail in your wall, and hang up your beautiful and simple DIY wallhanging. Fits perfectly in all nordic looking homes.
The wallhanging is made form one yarn ball in color “Cloudy dark grey blend” from hip wool